No Bankruptcy



Nearly ALL tax debt cases can be resolved and the tax debt settled WITHOUT ever filing for bankruptcy.

When one is staring at a large tax problem, knowing ALL options is KEY to securing the best resolution. We have found in our years of experience that nearly ALL tax debt cases can be resolved and the tax debt settled WITHOUT ever filing for bankruptcy.

BAD NEWS: Over a decade ago monumental changes occurred within the US bankruptcy courts. These new laws make it tougher than ever to include any tax debt in one’s bankruptcy.

GOOD NEWS (for those who qualify for our services): Urgent Tax Help has been successfully resolving/reducing our clients tax debts WITHOUT bankruptcy since we opened our firm. This means your tax debt will be resolved in 3 to 9 months with NO embarrassing bankruptcy and NO negative marks on your credit.

Many desperate Americans put too much faith in a bankruptcy attorney and only pour gas on a fire that will burn through their finances and damage their lives for 7 years! Don’t hitch your financial future to a local bankruptcy attorney who’s just looking for work. The bankruptcy world has a long history of selling NEEDLESS bankruptcies to unsuspecting people and making their bad situation much worse.

If bankruptcy were a viable option to resolve tax debt issues, we would simply have bankruptcy attorneys on staff. We don’t!

Call us. We can simply talk about the issues. In the RARE case where we do find a bankruptcy is the only option – we can even recommend a trusted, experienced, honest bankruptcy attorney in your area.

Remember that one should always get a second or third opinion when looking at debt resolution options. Take the time to get educated.

Information is POWER.

CALL 1-866-502-4167 For a Free Consultation